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Jennifer Lyn Carnes, D.S.

School of Natural Sciences

Education history

  • D.S. in Mathematics, Charter University
  • M.A. in Teaching with an Emphasis in Best Practices for the 21st Century, National University
  • B.A. in Mathematics with an Emphasis in Teaching, Fresno Pacific College
  • B.A. in Computer Science with an Emphasis in Programming, Fresno Pacific College


After earning my bachelors in both Math Education with Natural Science and Computer Science with Programming from Fresno Pacific College, I entered the workforce world to explore my passion for computers and technology only to find how much explaining and teaching was actually involved. After years of helping others learn how to use the software and data they collected, I found just how natural teaching could be. Since then, I have helped families and individuals find ways to learn math that works best for them, all while returning to school to complete the additional training needed, so that I could one day return to Fresno Pacific and help others to learn and become better individuals.